Although not most people’s idea of vacation, or work for that matter, as director of Bike Santa Cruz County’s (BSCC) youth program, Green Ways to School, this is one of the many youth programs Tawn leads. Fostering a love and understanding of bicycling for middle school and high school students from all walks of life in Santa Cruz County is what it’s all about.
Tawn finds Climate Ride to be a “really fun way to inspire [his] students and teach about climate change while focusing on the positive solutions.”
Above: Tawn transports 12 bikes for Food What, a local youth jobs training program in Santa Cruz County. This is also great strength training for Climate Ride California!
Above: Trials biking at a high school assembly is just one of the many ways Green Ways to School gets kids excited about bikes and active transportation.
For all the parents and mentors, if you want to get youth excited about biking, “You have to interface with what they are already interested in instead of overlaying your own agendas. Leave space for them to surprise you. Be patient, build positive experiences and use a little bit of prodding,” recommends Tawn with a smile.
Sounds like a good tip for all of us! Visit BSCC’s website to learn more about Green Ways to School and their amazing youth programs!